A New Documentary Reflects on the Political Divide in America

A new wave of post-2016 election documentaries, like "Join or Die" by Rebecca and Pete Davis, echo concerns over American civic decline.

Following the 2016 election, a wave of introspective documentaries surfaced, aiming to unravel the underlying causes. One such film, "Join or Die," helmed by Rebecca and Pete Davis, delves into the societal pulse of the United States. The narrative, guided by Pete, serves as a poignant call to action, accentuating the research of Robert Putnam.

The aftermath of the 2016 election spurred a cultural response, with filmmakers seeking to dissect the prevailing sentiments and dissect the prevailing sentiments and societal dynamics that paved the way for the political landscape shift.

Academic Insights

At the heart of "Join or Die" lies the scholarly pursuits of Robert Putnam, whose lifework orbits the argument of a diminishing American civic participation. Putnam's seminal work, "Bowling Alone," initially presented as an article and later as a full-fledged book in 2000, serves as the cornerstone of the documentary.

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