Nikki Haley Backers Shift Support to Biden, Targeting Republican Business Leaders for Fundraising
Former Haley supporters, including media executive Harry Sloan, are backing Biden's campaign after Haley dropped out, aiming to raise money and gain further Republican support.

Shortly after former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley withdrew from the Republican presidential primary on March 6, the landscape of political support witnessed a seismic shift. This shift saw a significant number of once staunch Haley supporters pledging their allegiance to President Joe Biden's reelection campaign instead of backing Donald Trump.
Haley Backer's Defection
Harry Sloan, a veteran media executive and prominent supporter of Haley, received a call from Jeffrey Katzenberg, a notable figure in the movie industry. Katzenberg implored Sloan to lend his support to President Biden's campaign in the fight against Trump. In a recent interview with CNBC, Sloan disclosed his commitment to drumming up financial support for Biden's reelection bid. He also expressed intentions to rally Republican-aligned business leaders to throw their weight behind the current president.
Recruitment Efforts and Alliance with Biden's Camp
Bolstering these efforts, Katzenberg, a co-chair of the Biden campaign, had been actively pursuing wealthy Haley supporters to align with Biden's cause even before Haley's official exit from the race. Following her withdrawal, this recruitment drive accelerated and Biden's campaign finance chairman, Rufus Gifford, reached out to Sloan and other Haley supporters. Gifford revealed his involvement in a WhatsApp group named "Haley Supporters for Biden" and sought to further solidify their alliance.
Reeling in Republican Former Haley Donors
For Biden's team, the successful transition of former Haley donors to Biden's camp would represent a significant fundraising victory. This move not only strengthens the president's political machinery but also effectively removes these potential donors from Trump's sphere of influence. The task was further facilitated by Trump's threat to blacklist Haley donors, prompting further disaffection among this donor base.
Noteworthy Addition to Biden's Arsenal
One notable addition to Biden's fundraising arsenal is Harry Sloan, who played a pivotal role in amassing over $550,000 for Haley's presidential bid while she was still in the running. Sloan's contributions, spread across various political fronts, underscore his willingness to cross party lines in support of his favored candidates. His support for pro-Biden initiatives and donations to Biden's campaign exemplify his bipartisan approach to political financing.
Former Supporter Takes a Stand
Barbara Comstock, a former Virginia Republican congresswoman and co-chair of Haley's campaign, has also taken a firm stance against Trump. Expressing support for the "Republican Voters Against Trump" movement and "Republicans for Ukraine," Comstock indicated her ongoing efforts to determine the most effective means of contribution. While her exact approach remains undecided, Comstock's alignment with the anti-Trump sentiment signals a departure from her previous association with Haley's campaign.
Anti-Trump Funding Initiatives
The push against Trump's candidacy extends to initiatives such as the Republican Accountability super PAC, which recently unveiled plans for a $50 million general election effort to undermine Trump's prospects. This campaign will harness various media platforms to amplify testimonies of former Trump supporters, elucidating their reasons for withdrawing their allegiance. Backed by substantial funding from sources such as Reid Hoffman and Defending Democracy Together, this formidable endeavor is poised to shape the political discourse in crucial battleground states.
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