Parkland Shooting Victim's Father Condemns Vice President's Visit as 'Promotion' of Gun Control

Father of Parkland school shooting victim criticizes Vice President Harris' visit as a push for gun control agenda, lacking understanding of tragedy.

Ryan Petty, the father of a student who was killed during the violent Parkland high school shooting in Feb. 2018, has expressed his frustration over Vice President Kamala Harris' visit to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Petty criticized the use of the school as a "photo op" to push a gun control agenda, rather than understanding the root causes of the tragedy.

Family Frustration

Petty, who lost his 14-year-old daughter in the shooting, described Harris' visit as a "slap in the face" to families who have been working on solutions to school shootings for six years. He highlighted the insensitivity of using the tragedy for political agendas rather than focusing on practical solutions.

Alternative Solutions

Petty emphasized that there are alternative ways to protect children and teachers in schools without infringing on Second Amendment rights. He expressed disappointment in the lack of openness to explore these alternative solutions by the Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

Constructive Discussions

Petty pointed out the importance of constructive engagements, citing a positive meeting with the United States Secret Service where families were able to share details of the tragedy without the intrusion of media and press. He stressed the need for a genuine exchange of information to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Preventable Tragedies

Petty underscored the preventable nature of school shootings, emphasizing the need for improved communication between law enforcement agencies and schools. He referenced the failure of the federal government to act on prior information about the Parkland shooter, highlighting the crucial role of early intervention in averting such tragedies.

Political Motives

Expressing skepticism, Petty doubted the Vice President's intentions, suggesting that her visit may be motivated by pushing a preconceived gun control agenda rather than a genuine desire to understand the complexities of the Parkland tragedy.

Failures in Response

Nicole Parker, a former FBI Special Agent, also weighed in on the Parkland shooting, stating that the FBI failed to respond to critical tips about the potential shooter prior to the tragic incident. She expressed a sense of guilt over the missed opportunities to prevent the massacre.

Final Thoughts

Petty concluded by asserting that Harris' focus on gun control as the sole solution was an insult to the dedicated efforts of families and individuals striving to enhance school safety. He contended that promoting gun control without considering alternative measures was dismissive of the comprehensive approach required to prevent such atrocities.

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