Title: South Carolina primary: Nikki Haley's uphill battle against Trump's dominance and the future of the GOP

Donald Trump has disrupted the tradition of the South Carolina primary, which has historically been anything but dull. Nikki Haley faces an uphill battle as she campaigns against the unconventional Trump, who has done little to campaign in the state. The race appears predetermined due to Republicans' unwavering support for Trump. Despite her efforts to appeal to independent and Democratic voters, Haley's chances are hindered by Trump's stronghold over the working-class base. The primary outcome seems anticlimactic, and the media's lack of coverage further compounds the subdued nature of the race.

Trump's Disruption

Donald Trump's unorthodox approach to the South Carolina primary has disrupted its traditional dynamics.

Haley's Uphill Battle

Nikki Haley faces challenges in campaigning against Trump, who has a strong hold over the state's working-class base.

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