Trump Rehires Corey Lewandowski, 2016 Campaign Manager, for 2024 Race's Final Push

Trump hires former campaign manager Lewandowski as senior adviser for 2024 race, addressing questions about current aides' performance.

Donald J. Trump's 2024 campaign is undergoing a significant staffing change as it brings back Corey Lewandowski, the campaign manager for Trump's 2016 election who was subsequently dismissed during that cycle. This move has sparked speculation about the current state of the campaign's top leadership.

Return of Corey Lewandowski

According to a statement from the former president and his senior advisers, Mr. Lewandowski is being appointed as a "senior adviser" for the final phase of the 2024 race. While the specific details of his role remain somewhat ambiguous, it is confirmed that he will be providing counsel to the senior leadership of the Trump campaign.

In a post shared on his social media platform, Donald Trump attempted to address any concerns related to Lewandowski's return and its implications for the current top aides in the campaign. The president emphasized his satisfaction with the existing management team, led by Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, while expressing enthusiasm for the new additions to the campaign for its final push.

Trump's statement, conveyed in a mix of regular and capital letters on his social media platform, highlighted his eagerness to welcome new people into the campaign, encompassing those who had been involved in previous campaigns. This suggests a concerted effort to consolidate support and resources as the campaign progresses towards its final stages.

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