Avian influenza outbreak in dairy cows poses a major threat

The bird flu outbreak in dairy cows is more severe than officials claimed, with a high death rate and spread to other animals.

A new report reveals concerning findings regarding the bird flu outbreak in dairy cows, contradicting previous official statements. The study, published in Nature, uncovers a more severe impact, including a significant increase in cow deaths and a widespread spread to other species. These revelations pose a considerable challenge to controlling the virus's dissemination.

The study, which examined outbreaks on nine farms across four states, exposed a troubling reality. Contrary to the initial claims of mild illness in cows, some farms experienced a notable spike in cow fatalities. Furthermore, the virus, identified as H5N1, was detected in over 20% of nasal swabs from cows. Alarmingly, it also spread to other animals, infecting cats, raccoons, and wild birds. Of particular concern is the potential for these secondary species to transport the virus to new areas, compounding the challenge of containment.

Critical expert perspective

Diego Diel, a virologist at Cornell University and one of the study's authors, emphasized the multifaceted nature of the virus's spread. He expressed skepticism about the feasibility of effectively controlling the outbreak at this stage, citing the likelihood of multiple pathways facilitating the virus's dissemination.

Contrary to the initial scope outlined by officials in March, the bird flu outbreak has now affected over 170 dairy farms in 13 states, as reported by the Department of Agriculture. This represents a substantial expansion of the outbreak's reach, with implications for the broader dairy and poultry industries. Additionally, the virus has breached the barriers of dairy farms, infiltrating poultry farms and posing risks to farmworkers, with at least 10 cases of infection reported among those exposed to infected cows or poultry.

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