Former Olympic Champions Express Distrust in World Anti-Doping Agency Ahead of Paris Games

U.S. Olympic athletes doubt World Anti-Doping Agency's effectiveness after Chinese swimmers tested positive for banned substance but were allowed to compete.

With the 2024 Summer Games in Paris fast approaching, U.S. Olympic athletes have voiced their lack of confidence in the ability of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to eliminate cheaters from their sports. Former gold medalists Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt expressed their concerns during a hearing before a House subcommittee.

The athletes' comments came in the wake of revelations that 23 Chinese swimmers had tested positive for a banned heart medication before the 2021 Tokyo Olympics but were still permitted by WADA to participate. Five of these swimmers went on to win medals, including three golds, sparking controversy and raising doubts about WADA's effectiveness in ensuring fair competition.

Athletes Lost Faith in WADA

Michael Phelps, a 23-time Olympic gold medalist and the most decorated swimmer in history, expressed his frustration at the lack of progress in reforming WADA since his testimony before the same subcommittee seven years ago regarding the handling of Russian state-sponsored doping. "Sitting here once again, it is clear to me that any attempts of reform at WADA have fallen short, and there are still deeply rooted, systemic problems that prove detrimental to the integrity of international sports and athletes' right to fair competition, time and time again," Phelps said.

Concerns and Frustrations

During the hearing, Allison Schmitt, a four-time gold medalist, also shared her disappointment, saying, "We raced hard. We trained hard. We followed every protocol. We respected their performance and accepted our defeat. But now, learning that the Chinese relay consisted of athletes who had not served a suspension, I look back with doubt. We may never know the truth and that may haunt many of us for years."

Controversy Surrounding Chinese Anti-Doping Investigation

WADA accepted the Chinese anti-doping officials’ conclusion that the 23 athletes had ingested the banned substance through contaminated food at a hotel. However, this explanation has been questioned by independent anti-doping experts, with U.S. Anti-Doping Agency CEO Travis Tygart calling it “outrageous.” WADA cited Covid-19 pandemic restrictions in China as the reason for not conducting an “on the ground probe” of the positive tests, further adding to the controversy.

Call for Reforms and Accountability

Travis Tygart called on the U.S. to condition its future funding of WADA on reforms at the agency. The U.S. contributes more funding to WADA than any other country, including nearly $3.7 million this year. In contrast, China has given WADA $1.8 million more than its required dues since 2018, raising questions about the influence of funding on WADA's decision-making.

Independent Investigation and Future Actions

In response to the criticism, WADA appointed Swiss prosecutor Eric Cottier as an independent investigator to review its handling of the China case. Cottier's appointment has drawn its own share of criticism due to potential conflicts of interest. He is expected to deliver his findings within two months, providing a critical evaluation of WADA's actions in the Chinese doping scandal.

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