Polar Bear Sisters Play Tug of War at Oregon Zoo While Twin Undergoes Annual Medical Exam in Tacoma

Polar bear sisters Nora and Amelia play tug of war at Oregon Zoo. 

At Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington, polar bear cub Laerke underwent her annual medical exam. The process required a team of six veterinary staff due to her size.

Encouraging Results

The results of the exam were very encouraging, showing that Laerke is in optimal health without any signs of illness. Head Veterinarian Karen Wolf emphasized the importance of the examination, stating, "We're looking for any kind of lumps, bumps, masses, and large lymph nodes, anything that would be an indication of ill health. But we didn't find any of that."

Exclusive Access

During the hour-long exam, Reuters had exclusive access to film Laerke being checked from nose to tail. Additionally, she received a battery of tests from Head Veterinarian Karen Wolf, including blood, urine, and heart tests.

Support for Polar Bears

Dr. Wolf expressed the importance of supporting polar bears, highlighting the need to save them from extinction and protect them from the effects of climate change. As the warming in the Arctic threatens the traditional habitat of polar bears, causing them hunger and threatening their numbers, the support and conservation efforts become increasingly vital.

Zoos' Role in Conservation

Rocky Shore & Tundra Assistant Curator Sheriden Ploof emphasized the crucial role of zoos in educating the public about the risk that climate change poses to wildlife. She stated, "I think zoos play a really important role in conservation. We need to be working towards conserving their species and teaching people about climate change."

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