Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupt Berkeley City Council Meeting, Accuse Members of Being Bought by Jewish Community

Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Berkeley City Council meeting, accusing members of ties to Jewish community and heckling Holocaust survivor.

Pro-Palestinian Disruption in Berkeley City Council

On Tuesday, the City Council meeting in Berkeley, California was marred by disruptive behavior from pro-Palestinian protesters. The meeting, which included a vote on marking Holocaust Remembrance Day, was interrupted by individuals shouting inflammatory remarks and accusations.

Accusations and Intimidation

Protesters were heard shouting "Zionist pigs!" and "End Israel!" during the meeting, while also accusing the City Council members of being "genocide enablers," "traitors to this country," and "spies for Israel." The disruptive group even went as far as to intimidate 89-year-old Holocaust survivor Susanne DeWitt, who was advocating for the adoption of the Holocaust Remembrance Day proclamation.

Allegations of Financial Influence

The protesters also directed accusations at the City Council members, insinuating that they had been "bought" by the Jewish community. One protester was heard asking, "How much money did these individuals receive?" while hurling further derogatory remarks.

Disruption and Unruly Behavior

The disruptive behavior continued as the protesters repeatedly shouted "Lies!" and disrupted DeWitt's address to the council. Despite her plea to stop heckling, the protesters persisted in their actions, causing a significant disturbance during the meeting.

Concerns at the University of California, Berkeley

This incident is part of a broader context of pro-Palestinian protests and concerns about antisemitism at the University of California, Berkeley. The school has been grappling with heightened tensions and disturbances, as evidenced by previous disruptions, including the screaming of slurs at Jewish attendees during an Israeli soldier's speaking event.

In light of these recent events, it is clear that the issue of Israel-Palestine relations has generated significant tension and disruption within the Berkeley community, impacting public gatherings and discussions.

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