Tragic Death of 10-Year-Old in Colombia Drone Attack Marks Grim Milestone for the Country

A 10-year-old boy was killed in the first drone attack in Colombia, attributed to dissident guerrillas. 

In the midst of escalating violence in Colombia, a tragic incident has sent shockwaves through the nation as a 10-year-old boy, identified as Dylan, became the victim of a fatal drone attack targeting soldiers. 

killed in "cowardly terrorist attack"

The attack, which took place in the restive southwest department of Cauca, marks a harrowing milestone as the first of its kind in the country, shedding light on the evolving tactics employed by dissident guerrilla groups. 

The fatal incident The defense ministry's press office confirmed that the fatal drone attack, which claimed the life of young Dylan and left six others wounded, was orchestrated by a group of dissident guerrillas who broke away from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). 

General Federico Mejia, the regional military commander, revealed in a video on social media that the drones were used to launch grenades at the targeted soldiers in the town of El Plateado, a known stronghold of the Central General Staff (EMC) rebel group. 

The aftermath of the attack prompted a swift response from the country's army, with the army commander condemning the "cowardly terrorist attack" and vowing to relentlessly pursue peace and justice. 

The use of drones

The use of drones as a means of delivering explosives in conflicts has been an escalating concern, with reports indicating that guerrilla groups have increasingly turned to commercially available drones for carrying out such attacks. Government and military responses In the wake of the devastating attack, Defense Minister Ivan Velasquez took to social media to express solidarity with Dylan's family and unequivocally condemned the terrorist attack carried out by the Carlos Patino Front, a hardline faction of the EMC known for its involvement in drug trafficking. 

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