Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Seeks Restoration of Rights After Completing Sentence

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin completes 10-year sentence, seeks gun and voting rights restoration, but prosecutors say it's not within federal judge's authority.

Ray Nagin Seeks Restoration of Rights After Serving 10-Year Sentence

New Orleans, March 2024 (AP) - Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, who completed his 10-year sentence for federal bribery, money laundering, and corruption charges in 2014, has filed a court motion seeking the restoration of his rights following the conclusion of his sentence.

Request for Firearms Rights Restoration

Nagin, 67, filed the motion without an attorney, expressing his desire for the restoration of his firearms rights. He emphasized that as a high-profile individual, he is recognized almost everywhere he goes and has concerns about his family's safety amidst the prevalent violence in the country.

“He's asking for relief that she doesn't have the power to grant,” - Herbert Larson, Attorney and Tulane Law School Professor

However, prosecutors have asserted that the New Orleans-based judge lacks the authority to restore Nagin's federal firearms rights. They have pointed out that it is the state of Texas, where Nagin now resides, that holds the authority to decide on his voting privileges.

Recovery of Voting Rights

Regarding his voting rights, prosecutors have stated that Nagin will need to reach out to Texas election officials. They highlighted that a felon’s eligibility to vote is determined by the law of the state in which the felon seeks to vote, and not by the federal court that oversaw the felony conviction.

According to the Texas State Law Library, Texas allows felons to vote once they have “fully discharged” their sentence.

Supervised Release and Passport Restoration

Nagin was granted supervised release from prison in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having completed his federal prison time and supervision officially on March 15, he also seeks the return of his passport, which he had surrendered before his trial. Prosecutors have indicated that surrendered passports are typically forwarded to the State Department and noted that they wouldn't oppose the passport being returned, but highlighted that passports expire after 10 years.

In conclusion, while Nagin has completed his 10-year sentence, the restoration of his firearms rights and voting privileges remains subject to the decisions of Texas authorities.

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