NORAD Intercepts Russian and Chinese Military Aircraft off Alaska Coast Before Biden Address

Before Biden's speech, NORAD intercepted Russian and Chinese bombers near Alaska. The incident is under monitoring. More details to follow.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command Public Affairs (NORAD) has reported a recent incident of fighter jets being deployed to intercept military aircraft allegedly operating in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). According to NORAD, the aircraft in question included two Russian Tu-95 "Bear" bombers and two Chinese H-6 bombers.

The NORAD press release confirmed that on July 24, they detected, tracked, and intercepted the Russian and Chinese military aircraft. The interception was carried out by NORAD fighter jets from both the United States and Canada.

Ongoing Monitoring in the American zone

While the intercept occurred prior to President Biden's scheduled address to the nation, NORAD emphasized that the Russian and Chinese aircraft remained in international airspace and did not breach any American or Canadian sovereign airspace. NORAD further asserted that this activity was not considered a threat, and that the organization would continue to monitor similar activities near North America.

The circumstances surrounding this incident, particularly in relation to President Biden's address, remain unclear. NORAD has indicated that the situation is still developing and that more details may emerge in the future.

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