Rancho Mirage City Council Takes Action to Improve Dropped Call and Cell Coverage Issues
Rancho Mirage tackles poor cell reception with a $198,000 master plan to address coverage gaps and meet residents' pressing needs.

Last week, Rancho Mirage city council committed approximately $198,000 to conduct a comprehensive study aimed at addressing the prevalent issue of poor cellular reception experienced by its residents. The decision, which was made following numerous complaints from the community, indicates the council's determination to seek a lasting solution to the problem of dropped calls and limited coverage.
The city's pursuit of a lasting solution
The proposed study, endorsed by councilmembers Lynn Mallotto and Michael O’Keefe, is set to be a crucial first step in identifying the underlying causes of the coverage gaps and formulating effective recommendations to enhance the city's cellular reception.
The current state of cellular coverage in Rancho Mirage is notably inadequate, with only 63% of the approved 43 wireless towers having been successfully erected. Jason Jaurigue, the city’s director of information services, highlighted the extent of the issue, citing instances of "horrible coverage" in certain areas and emphasizing the need for substantial improvement. Furthermore, he emphasized the pressing necessity to prioritize cellular wireless projects, particularly in light of upcoming residential developments that will further strain the already deficient network.
Understanding the magnitude of the issue
To provide a visual representation of the discrepancy between the purported 5G coverage and the actual quality of service, Jaurigue presented maps from prominent carriers, thought to be AT&T and Verizon, showing full 5G coverage in the city’s 92270 ZIP code, despite the evident lack of such comprehensive coverage. These misleading depictions underscore the urgency of implementing measures to rectify the inadequate cellular infrastructure and ensure that residents receive the level of service they have been led to expect.
City's aim to address the root causes
As part of the city's proactive approach to ameliorating the situation, the upcoming master plan, to be developed by CelPlan Wireless Global Solutions, will not only pinpoint areas in dire need of improved coverage but also explore potential adjustments to zoning regulations. Additionally, the plan will seek to incentivize wireless carriers to invest in augmenting the local cellular network, thereby fostering a more robust and extensive infrastructure.
Insight from city officials
City Manager Isaiah Hagerman shed light on the discrepancy between the sanctioned number of cell towers and the actual implementation, attributing the shortfall to the reluctance of carriers to allocate resources for construction. This revelation underscores the complex challenges the city faces in its endeavors to improve cellular reception, particularly within the context of the region's low-density land-use patterns.
Furthermore, Hagerman emphasized the potential for innovative solutions to bolster the city's cellular coverage, such as deploying cell coverage devices atop traffic signal poles and integrating reception equipment into flag poles, thereby leveraging existing infrastructure to address the pervasive issue of inadequate reception. These novel approaches, if realized, could substantially enhance the scope and quality of cellular services available to residents.
Public safety and resident concerns
The imperative of reliable wireless reception was underscored by Councilmember O’Keefe, who framed it as a crucial public safety concern, particularly in emergency situations. With the diminishing prevalence of landline phones and the increasing reliance on cellular communication, ensuring unfaltering reception has become an unequivocal necessity.
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