Woman's Hand Amputated After Hair Dryer Accident Sparks Safety Concerns

Woman in South Carolina recovering after hand amputated due to freak hair dryer burn accident. Positive outlook on life.

A South Carolina woman is on the mend after a devastating blow dryer accident led to the amputation of her hand and wrist. Mary Wilson, the victim of the freak accident, is now focusing on her recovery and maintaining a positive outlook on life.

The Horrific Accident

The incident occurred on February 7th at Wilson's James Island home as she was drying her hair before bed. She tragically passed out, causing her to fall on the running blow dryer, resulting in third-degree burns to her hand. Wilson remained unconscious on the floor for approximately 20 minutes before being discovered by her partner.

She was rushed to the hospital where doctors determined that the severe nerve damage caused by the heat of the blow dryer necessitated the amputation of her hand and wrist.

Possible Safety Measures

Wilson highlighted the absence of an automatic shut-off feature in the blow dryer, unlike other hot hair tools, suggesting that such a mechanism could have prevented the severity of her injuries.

Following the incident, Wilson had to give up her job as a dog groomer and remains uncertain about her future in the profession.

Remaining Positive

Despite the life-altering ordeal, Wilson expressed determination in living life to the fullest and emphasized that losing her hand does not define her.

Community Support

Wilson has been overwhelmed by the support she has received during her recovery, including assistance from a local restaurant contributing profits from an event to aid in her efforts.

Throughout her ordeal, Wilson has found solace in the outpouring of support, which has been crucial to her journey to recovery.

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